Granada Television was once described as the ‘greatest television company in the world.’
And indeed during the 1970s and 1980s it boasted programmes such as Coronation Street, World In Action, Brideshead Revisited, The Jewel In The Crown, Seven Up and Disappearing World, all of them award winning and highly acclaimed, both by both critics and the general public. Many of these programmes, along with their presenters, remain legendary in television history.
Founded by Sidney Bernstein in 1954, Granada began broadcasting to ‘the North’ in May 1956 when independent television was born, and has continued to broadcast ever since, although today it is known as ITV.
The aim of this project is to collect the memories of those who worked for Granada at its Manchester, London and Liverpool offices between 1956 and 1990. These interviews include presenters, producers, researchers, directors, camera operators, stagehands, production assistants, accountants and many others who worked for the company. In particular, the project hopes to collect memories from the earlier years as many of these people are now elderly. We are mindful that if their memories are not collected soon, they may be lost forever.