Barry Bowmer on Granada’s early days in Golden Square

Was Golden Square at that point the headquarters for the entire Granada Group?

Yeah I’m sure it was 4 storeys and a basement and then whilst I was working there they built another 2 storeys on top but it was taken up wholly by Granada, you know for television etc. Another place that we used to go to was a rehearsal room at the Oval. I think that started off as, it was Poster Print which was a Granada exercise and they made posters for cinemas, you know, for the run of cinemas. That’s about it at Golden Square.

How many of you would have worked in the mailroom?

From memory I would say there were about 8. I couldn’t remember their names but I would guess there were 7 or 8 there so you know, it wasn’t just delivering post within the building, as I say it was nipping up to Fleet Street, picking things up, delivering them, you know press releases, this sort of thing so everyone was fully occupied and obviously at the time I got to know London pretty well or the areas where we went.

And were any of the big Granada stars of the time based in Golden Square?

No, no I mean you used to get occasional ones come in who were possibly meeting the Bernsteins sort of thing but the only one really that I can remember now I think is that Frankie Howard used to come in. I think he possibly was friendly with Victor Peers? Someone like that used to come in.

Who’s Victor Peers?

Well I’m sure he was on the 4th floor, 6th floor, whatever it was, was one of the Directors, the Company Directors but I really can’t remember now but that was about the only ones we saw round there.


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