Joan Riley biography

Joan Riley joined Granada Television in 1960 as part-time copy typist working on the local evening news programme. She was the first person in the UK to hear of President Kennedy’s assassination when she picked up a call from the Press Association. After working in local programmes she joined the Promotions Department and then went…

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Joan Riley on how she came to be employed at Granada

There was an advert in the Evening News for a fast typist for the Granada Newsroom. I applied and was asked to go for an interview; a typing test. This was 1960. At that time the main building hadn’t been finished, so all the offices were opposite Granada in Quay Street in an old warehouse.…

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Joan Riley remembers the variety of performers on ‘Scene at 6.30’

A lot of the performers would come down chatting to us in-between, because we were permanent staff there. One day a little red headed girl, very small, about sixteen, Scottish. She came and was chatting away with us and they decided she would rehearse her song at our end. I was very grateful I had…

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Joan Riley meets the Beatles

They were going to have a late news bulletin so Joyce and I did split shifts. One week we’d have two days 10-6 and three days 6-11 and then swap round. Promptly at 8 o’clock every night we’d get the empty flask and go to the canteen for refills to keep us going. One night…

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Joan Riley remembers a union dispute about appearance fees

It was decided to have ‘Scene’ at 11 o’clock as well. So we all went back to Quay Street side, directly above where the original newsroom had been, a very large area. At the far end was the studio. I don’t know whether you remember it but the studio was partitioned off with a large…

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Joan Riley describes her impressions of Granada as a company

Was Granada a paternalistic company? I think so and unfortunately I think the unions, in a way, stopped a lot of that because we used to get two bonuses one in May and one in October. There was one strike so they stopped one bonus and then another strike and they stopped another bonus. They…

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